Making Art Possible
You can learn how to teach art to students with Autism in about an hour

How to teach art for people with Autism

Quick Tips For art including people with Autism
--Avoid sensory overload. Many unexpected things can be distracting to students with autism. ...
--Use visuals. Even individuals with autism who can read benefit from visuals. ...
--Be predictable. ... Keep tools and supplies in the same place or on a tray organized for him or her.
--Keep language concrete and brief. ...
--Directly teach social skills. ...
--Treat students as individuals. Use kind words at all times.

See the article below for more detailed information


Choice Art allows you and your artist to design your own art adventure. And it's perfect for students with Autism. You can work around intolerances to certain materials and tools. And anyone can do it and be proud of their own of a kind project. This is Hope's favorite method to teach and create.

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Sensory and Fine Motor Fun


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Tips for How to Teach Art to Special Needs Students and Those with Autism.

Photo by Holly Blowers BSMA AD...Please ask for permission to use

Tips For Teaching Art To Kids With Autism
Posted January 1, 2015 @ 7:50pm | by Danelle

Most kids with autism have not been exposed to quality art education experiences. Projects may have been adapted for them in ways that were oversimplified. They did not teach new skills or continue to grow their skills. Or kids were so overwhelmed and had to focus on overcoming challenges that they were not able to absorb information.

Think of your role as the person who can be the “bridge” and break down barriers for these kids who are natural visual thinkers and learners. You can lead them to the place where their natural strengths can be showcased.

~Most of the autistic kids I work with are visual learners. They see things like right brain artists. While initially it may not appear that they have superior skills in this area once the right way to teach them is discovered and obstacles are removed they pick up on skills. Visual art is a natural land for them. As Temple Grandin said, they “think in pictures.

~Find out how your student communicates. I have never had any two students with autism who are the same. This means you need to experiment and observe. You can learn a lot from trial and observation. It is all about communication and structure.

~Demonstrations with simple instructions and repetition are key. Utilize their visual ability when teaching them. Put pictures and words together. Make a list of steps for any project. Draw a simple sketch box to go with each step. You don’t have to be fancy. Just take 5 minutes to put together a structure for your student. Have them repeat the project and give them time.

~Start with fundamentals. I mean basic things. Remember these kids may not have absorbed how to draw even basic lines. Curved, wavy straight lines. Start with simple abstract line designs. It will give you an idea of where their skills are at. Even though they may be 12 or 13 their skills may only be at the level of a five year old. While time may have been spent working on social skills, speech or reading there probably was not someone working on making sure they knew how to draw. They were not storing up information like the other 5 year olds that were getting art instruction.

~Their “free time” drawing may resemble drawings that look similar to very young children. They probably did not absorb anything beyond this since they were busy trying to overcome other challenges that were emerging. While they are extremely visual they may not have made connections that allow them to draw on the visual images they have in their heads. Kids may not have been able to absorb these basic skills if someone tried to teach them. These kids have talent. You just have to keep experimenting and find the way they communicate and learn. They probably will not absorb things from the traditional way you are teaching.

~Provide extra structure. Take the steps you use in your typical art lesson and go further to break them down even more. This provides even more structure. This may be all you need for your student to succeed. It can be as simple as taking an extra five or ten minutes to provide this.

~Consider special preparation. As with most special needs artists, they may need help with drawing and gathering supplies. I always had a tray ready with the same supplies that the other kids are using, a blank piece of paper and a piece of paper with the drawing portion of the project in pencil or light gray for them to trace. Artists with visual difficulties may need a dark black line. The number one reason for resistance to a project, is the drawing part of the lesson. Consider an open ended option for them using the same tools and supplies as the other students.