Anyone Art- Music Inspired Art- "Creating fun" for those developing their pre-art skills
No art skills are required prior to using these ideas. This book was written for working with young or new artists and special needs artists. Anyone can teach theses adventures in art and anyone can do them.
Choice art and open ended art allows students to grow at their own pace and gives them the opportunity to express to their own creative ideas. As they explore, grow, and create, students will continue to gain more confidence in their art making and presentation skills. When students get to have more choice, they are thinking even more critically, building their creative capacity, communicating more often, and collaborating with other students. They can gain a wide range of knowledge of different art mediums and skills to manipulate them while creating deeply personal and one of a kind artwork.
Choice-based art allows unique students to truly blossom and find their voices as artists. Offering choice means modifying the process, content, and/or product in art class, so every student can work at their own pace and ability level. That means each student naturally can feel successful and included.
Other Free Printables on this Pre-Art level
Developing Pre-Art Skills for Little Ones and Special Needs Children
Adaptive Aides and Materials for Special Needs Artists
Becoming Ready, Willing and Able to Teach
Recipies For Sensory Fun-Homemade Supplies
"Create With Me" with Collage and Printing
You do not needs special skills to guide our Art
"Create with me" 100+ Anyone Art Ideas and Open-ended Painting