Making Art Possible
Tons of Art and Drawing Activities for Children, those with Special Needs and the Elderly

Open Ended Drawing

Allows the artist to showcase their talents and interests
with a one of a kind project. Open Ended or Process Art
is whatever they create from whatever they decide to
explore and create with . There is no model to copy,
it just their creativity, the elements set before them,
and your encouragement. It is the easiest way to teach
Anyone Art -for children of all ages, special needs, and adults with an interest in art.
***TIP-I usually allow them to add anything they want use on the project to help keep them interested and comfortable in expressing their creative self.

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Scroll down this page for: Art with Babies- Toddlers- and Preschool

Kids Seniors Special Needs Children Art Activities Drawing Chalk Markers Pencils Easy Fun Paint

Making Drawing Fun

Drawing is a fun way to develop or redevelop writing and motoric skills. But to a child drawing is not meant to be just pencil marks on paper, you have to combine it with other forms of art and give the line some flair!!
As soon as your toddler can hold a crayon comfortably, he's ready to scribble with it. By giving him plenty of opportunities to doodle to his hearts content, you can help him develop strength and control in his fingers now — and eventually, help him understand that marks and lines can represent objects, shapes and letters. Some say that drawing allows us to take the line out on a stroll. I kind of like that because it sounds like the beginning of an adventure of exploring with drawing tools and supplies. Practicing drawing helps train the eye to see what is really there and not what you presume to be there. Drawing helps train the hand to be comfortable with using, um, drawing utensils. Drawing is easy to start and stop- it can be done anywhere, at any time. You don’t need a big space or fancy setup to draw; you just need to be willing to do it.

Tips and Funsized Art Ideas for Drawing with Littles and Special Needs Artists 
Free Preview of our Drawing Book

Scribbles Have Meaning

There are few things more entertaining than their answers to the question of what is happening in their drawing. So I always gave Hope the opportunity to tell me about her drawing. (It was always fun and entertaining to listening to.)

Those lines and swiggles are usually about something that is important to them, so don’t throw them away. Hope liked to document or draw when she learned something new. So we had a “Can do” pile of drawings. We also had a pile of drawings of new “flowers, butterflies and wildlife” that she saw in our yard or as we explored our world in the Colorado Mountains. Then the biggest stack of drawings, were the “things she loved”.

Tips And Funsized Art Ideas for Drawing with Littles and Special needs Artists

Drawing And Tracing Worksheets

Drawing Lessons And Tips to Help Special Needs Children to Enjoy Art

Taming the Scribble-Special help for those who find it difficult to draw

By age four there should be some line control forming. As they grow and mature, their drawings will become more detailed and reflect the world around them.
The earlier you let your medical doctor know your child is lagging, the earlier you can get intervention. You can also get their eyes checked and an occupational therapy evaluation as well.
Drawing is a complicated process, always encourage their creativity, without giving them any negative vibes! Adapt every lesson to their strengths and interests. Hope drew with a paintbrush or marker for most projects.

Tips and Art Lessons for Successful Drawing with Special Needs Kids

Drawing And Tracing worksheets

Fun Art-ventures in Drawing for Kindergarten and up

Drawing with Lines, Shapes and Patterns

I will combine both the Monart Method and breaking drawing down into increments like I have in the past and drilling those skills until mastery. Mona Brookes suggests that to draw well, we need to be more observant of the 5 kinds of lines that things are composed of: dots, circles, straight lines, curved lines, and angles. One should know that in Brookes book, "Drawing with Children", she also includes a section of ways to see the lines and shapes in everything that we draw. Hope did well with that. If she could find a remnant of something familiar then she would challenge herself and experiment with the rest of the way.

Tips and Art Projects for Adventures in Drawing Kindergarten And Up

Finish The Drawing Worksheets on Symmetry

Skill Building Drawing and Doodling Buffet

Fun Open-Ended Drawing to Showcase Your Talent With One of a Kind Projects

Designing Your Own Drawing Project

Brookes says: “Everyone loves to draw if they are given a nonthreatening environment with enough structure for success and enough freedom for creativity...The development of perceptual and analytical skills increase critical thinking and problem solving. However, you have to have a firm foundation of skills in order to creatively express yourself joyfully....Artistic success also builds self-esteem, and this confidence is transferable to other educational areas.”

Fun Open Ended Art to Showcase your Talent in One of a Kind Art Projects

Finish the Drawing Worksheets-Symmetry

Skill Building Drawing and Doodling Buffet