Create your own Collage-Art for children, those with Special needs and aging adults- Special Education-Leisure Programs for Seniors-Adapted Art
Create Your Own
Whimsical Treasures II
your child creating and learning—all you’ll need is a creative look at what
materials and tools that you have available and an open mind.
To rev up,
your creative juices ransack the kitchen, the basement, the attic, and the
garage. Look in hardware stores, department stores, grocery stores, drug
stores, and check garage sales and thrift shops. Keep an open mind and be
creative. Trust yourself and start your students on the road to trusting
themselves!!! Hope was always looking for stuff for art…she found things in the
strangest places.
As teacher-facilitator, teachers allow students the freedom to seek out
and discover their own inspiration. When the student finds the
inspiration, engagement will increase and learning and growth will
Students will then share their enthusiasm with us. They will
express excitement
for the subject, the technique, or chosen
medium through the art making process.
After all, this is the job of the
artist; to envision and express inspiration.
on mediums, surface or tool. Get as
creative as you can and plan fun into
your lesson. I had to be careful
when doing art with Hope that I remembered
to make it fun for her. Coming from a management background, I sometimes just
presented the new technique or medium to her. She wanted to
learn but she
wanted to explore what was on the tray or
discover a new way to use her tools and giggle and laugh. That
is what kept
her engaged in a project. That is what made it a
creative experience that she remembered.
We will always want to encourage our artists to explore art
that matches their
interests. We can also support their
learning when it comes to new techniques.
We can also
help them discover ways to enjoy the process and create in
their own way, turning their
newly found inspiration
into project ideas. That's the part that I enjoy!!!
We will start with Sensory Play but you can skip to: